Post by jeffjr93 on May 26, 2015 16:35:11 GMT
Sorry if this question has been asked before , I am new at modding. But could someone explain to me how I would acquire the tail animations/textures from SSJ4 Goku? I plan on adding the tail as an accessory instead of attaching it to clothing.
Post by Darkussj on May 26, 2015 21:06:47 GMT
it already have been done here is the link dbxvmods.freeforums.net/thread/208/kthxbai-latest-human-saiyan-femaleand about animations we can't yet extract animations but for the textures you have .emb file that is an alpha textures that contains the lines you see on the clothes and bust and you have the emb.dyt file that has colors that are applied to the model both can be extracted by dragging the texture file to the embpack.exe