Post by weard123 on May 22, 2015 19:38:16 GMT
I need help with editing the eyes, because after I have edited the eyes size for my character I don't know what to do next, I already put the .emb files on and the eyes still appear all white in game. I need a person that has edited eyes before to help me out please.
Post by Javituchi on May 23, 2015 12:16:42 GMT
Basically two things comes to my mind for your problem. 1) Are you also resizing the alpha layers too? Aside of the main layer... They are important so that the layers and alphas blend together well. 2) Each race (Saiyan/Namekians/Buus/etc) has a different preset size for the textures. Also those with two genders are also different sizes between them. Male eyes are always smaller in size than female eyes (at least humans/saiyans which are the ones I've modded). - If you are swapping eyes between races, you have to adjust the size of the eye, to the default preset size of the race you're going to apply it. - If you are just resizing eyes within the same race, resizing the eyes for both, main layer + alpha layer, and making sure its centered to pic, should work. And also make sure the alpha layer is also being saved, when you save the eyes. I hope that helps. Edit: This is speaking in Photoshop for the textures, that is... If you're trying in other 3D softwares, better someone else could try to tell you. ^^;
Post by The Mad Titan on Jun 20, 2015 14:09:04 GMT